Sthira Sukham state of mind - comfortable stability
Several years ago when I was in India I participated in a 12 day Vipassana retreat that included meditations of roughly 10 hours a day,...

Negativity - I hate you!!!!!!
"Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness" wrote Patanjali in the "Yoga sutra" and added “The five fluctuations -...

8. Patanjali's "Yoga Sutra" - in a nutshell
The yoga classic - a book over 2000 years old which includes 195 sutras - sayings in Sanskrit - which are yoga's philosophical basis. ...

7. Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness (Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1.2)
Lesson number five in the yoga instructor course. These are my thoughts upon beginning the practice: ‘things I forgot to buy from my last...