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Negativity - I hate you!!!!!!

"Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness" wrote Patanjali in the "Yoga sutra" and added “The five fluctuations - those who cause the pain, and those who do not”. Negativity can arise due to an actual understanding of events or can be the result of a misconception. On both cases negatvity leads to some amount of uneasiness or mental suffering - Dukha - in Patanjali's words, in the best case negativity stays with us, in most cases, that same negativity we broadcast to the world and hurts others too.

You know how it’s like, that there are some people that it’s just pleasant to be around them and they make us feel good? And the opposite, you know how there’s people that make you feel shitty and move uncomfortably? What kind of person do I chose to be today?

Being positive is hard work. It’s very easy to fall into negative thoughts, sometimes I feel like negative thoughts are my default, so the first step is of course being aware of those mishaps into negativity: “Oops I fell again into negativity”, how will I handle this? Perhaps I'l do a Yoga practice? But if I don't have time right now - Perhaps I’ll say a regular positive mantra I have? perhaps, I’ll focus on the here and now? in my breathing? In my body? With my fingers typing on the keyboard?

To start, let’s be aware of the types of negativity that we could spread or receive from others, I call them “hazardous materials”:

Toxins - you can’t help it, there are these mornings or these hours through the day when we get filled with melancholia and trembling of cyanide thoughts, arsenic imaginations fill us up with fears, anxieties, worries about the future and more delusions. Soon, the poison will diffuse into our environment, also in a non-verbal way, and maybe also in a way of needling, cynicism and sentences of pessimism. Out of concern for our wellbeing and of the environment, we have to do an immediate toxin cleansing - to snap out of it, each person and the positive mantra or anything else that works for him.

The Energy of Firecrackers - a persons fuse that is in such energy is so short, that you can tell him the wrong word and he immediately explodes on you. In a state of firecrackers energy, sense of humor and directness can disarm a person from it’s weapon.

The Skunk Energy - it is energy that has a stinky sour odor, that at times derives from a misunderstanding between people that grew to gigantic proportions, it spreads slowly and in high dosage can become a real stench, you have to catch it on time, take a step back for a moment and only then come back to try to clarify what you meant.

The Machine Gun Energy - of course we are talking about a machine gun in full auto. If you encounter a situation with a cranky person that switched to auto, you should just let him vent, and only then, sit down and talk like human beings.

The Wall of Death Energy - it’s not a problem to identify when we are in such state or in a person that is in such a low. A hug and then another one are a perfect solution. Some just want to be left alone for a few hours, until they climb themselves out of the hole they encountered.

Condensed Air Energy - it happens mainly with the very closest to us, when there are too many unfinished, unspoken matters. Negativity accumulates exponentially, in a situation like this only a good deep talk will help.

You can’t sweep negativity under the carpet, you can’t spread it with a rag. You must deal with it thoroughly, uproot it and reprogram ourselves, every moment is an excellent opportunity to start.

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