Sthira Sukham state of mind - comfortable stability
Several years ago when I was in India I participated in a 12 day Vipassana retreat that included meditations of roughly 10 hours a day,...

A Yoga capsule for instant change of perspective - Reverse positions - changing a physical and metap
I feel the inner pressure in recent weeks, like a discomfort in the stomach that accompanies me everywhere, in everything I do, breathing...

Yogi mama wannabe – 3 kind of moms: Mommy Me First, Mommy Me Last and Midway Mom
My best friend H.B that’s with me in maternity leave, calls me up and tells me that she had her coffee cold again. We made it a habit -...

Yoga little pill - Yoga capsule for clarity of thought
Last week I needed clarity of thought. You know how it’s like, that the more options you have, the more suffocated you feel? The loop...

Negativity - I hate you!!!!!!
"Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness" wrote Patanjali in the "Yoga sutra" and added “The five fluctuations -...

In praise of flexibility
I am not flexible. Not in body, not in demeanor. It’s a fact that I am a bit ashamed of. A part of the reason why I wanted to study Yoga...

The perfect oats porridge after a winter Yoga practice – (with my secret ingredient)
150 ml Water 50 ml coconut milk/ almond milk 5 Tablespoon oats 1 Banana 1 Tablespoon blanched almond slices 1 Spoon chia seeds A pinch of...

My on the go session during Pregnancy
This is the quick session I did throughout my last trimester, two exercises which I repeated over and over meticulously every day. I...

Nine Months of Yoga - How Yoga helped me during pregnancy
During the yoga instructors course I got pregnant, it was great joy and excitement and also an opportunity to examine how would a...

Karma - what you SEED is what you get
While travelling a few months on my own, I felt the concept of Karma in the sharpest and clearest way. when you are alone, you have...