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5. "And now, the teaching of Yoga" (Yoga sutra, Patanjali, 1.1)

“In our next lesson you will all teach for the first time” says Leora, the teacher. 'What? So quickly?' I ask myself, and as though she can hear my doubts Leora continues: “You have to jump in the water! It's true", she laughs, “the water is wet, and threatening, and unfamiliar, but in order to be yoga instructors you have to practice, practice, practice and teach, teach, teach. We'll start with teaching something simple - five back exercises, which are good and beneficial for everyone, exercises which relax the back and calm you at the end of a class, or which can be used for dynamic relaxation during the class. You have a week to prepare".

The following week was spent committing the exercise to memory, practicing endlessly, repeating the exercise out loud and memorizing. And the doubts? They're still there: 'How can I stand in front of entire class and teach? Who am I to tell people what to do regarding to Yoga?? What will my voice sound like in front of everyone, and what style will I adopt as a yoga instructor? Will I be tough and correct? Will I be soft and spiritual? What way will I choose?'

The time to teach arrives, My heart beats like crazy, but I am able to keep my voice steady, and I start to teach. My voice is a little too weak, not authoritative enough, and for a moment I don't feel inside myself at all, like when giving an important presentation to a large group of colleagues. 'inhale’ I say, 'bring your legs close to your chest, exhale..’ And so I tiptoe into the ocean of yoga teaching.

In the next post I'm giving thoroughly instructions + (really bed) illustration that I've made how to do these 5 wonderful exercise, please try this at home.

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