Same thing without the drama – challenge lightness continues

I'm still trying to be more light, so what are the rules of my challenge lightness? Since it’s a challenge of lightness, I went easy on myself. The rules are not strict, so that it won’t create either stagnation or new internal struggles from the desire to be light.. “Wait, so was I lighthearted enough, or was I not?” We all know what it means to take things more easily, and what it means to not, and on the other hand if I strayed for a moment into heaviness, that’s also not terrible. I’ll catch myself and return to the experiment.
Part of the matter of being light, in my eyes, is simply to remove the drama from things. I ran out of hot water in the shower this morning? It’s just that there was no water left in the heater. It doesn’t have to drag up existential thoughts of why I’m always getting screwed and why no one is being considerate of me to leave enough water, or of the problematic state of water supply in the world! So come on, dry off and move on.
Same situation, without the drama.
So lightness - as simple as it sounds. The airiness created in our minds when we don’t dwell on things, the joy that enters through the cracks of the difficulties that seem as hard a concrete, small rays of lightness.