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Challenge lightness

I've always been a heavy person, ever since I can remember. A grandma’s soul in a girls body; Always overanalyze things and situations, oversensitive to any quips someone says, with a difficulty facing reality, fearing it in fact, in a state of constant resistance. In practice this creates a situation of an constant internal battle and ultimately a burden.

Lately I’ve felt this was simply unbearable – you can’t analyze and beat yourself up over every little thing you say and do with your children and how it may affect them, (Did I say the EXACT right thing? or maybe I can hendled the situation a bit differantley? What kind of mama am I? what kind of mom do I want to be? and so on..what a loop..every word like a sinker) You simply can not – there’s not enough time, and you condemn yourself to suffering constant pangs of guilt, that leads to negativity and lots of lots of complains on my behalf – I really need to cut corners a bit, for my own health and well being.

So I decided to take on a challenge -

It took me some time to define exactly what the challenge is - I thought at first to take on a challenge of positivity, or a challenge to not complain, but I don’t want to overburden myself, I don’t think that at the moment I can be a positive person 24 hours a day - Nop; and as far as the no complaints challenge - when I shared the idea with my best friend H.B she told me: “If we don’t complain, what will we talk about?” So I abandoned that immediately too.

So I decided to start with something simple – to try to be more lighthearted – Yes, to complain less and be slightly more positive, to try to lighten up and not take things so hard, to not overanalyze my reality and what people say, to try to enjoy life more As simple as it sounds, we tend to forget it between the mountains of administration and piles of laundry we have.

So come to me lightness! Or you know what? I’ll be lighthearted and come to you!

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