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3. Lesson two – back to basics – learning to breathe only sounds easy! – You want yoga? Start paying

Second lesson and we go straight to business – “will start at the base", says teacher Leora, “breath! Without food and drink we can be fine, but without breathing means – death! – And we here in the west, oh no to the shallow breathing – people forget to breathe, and breathe in a way that they are actually barely breathing, All day with smart phones and WhatsApp SwhatsApp, 'and she told him so and he answered bla la bla', and send silly pictures to each other, but breathing? There is no time for that! I tell you, it is a mistake that people are paying for, proper breathing equals health, and you will find it’s not easy. But the good news is that you can start training today and in one, two, three years it will become your natural breathing! Split up into pairs, lay on your back, one is looking, the other puts his hands on his chest we will practice together a full breathing– first - we inhale, feeling with the hands that the chest is filling first, then the upper abdomen is filled and lastly the bottom is filled with air, exhalation – begin with emptying the lower abdomen and continuing to the upper abdomen and only then the chest is emptied, and back, inhalation that fills the chest to the lower abdomen and an exhale that empties the lower abdomen and gradually the chest".

Maybe you are telling yourself now – come on, it’s a piece of cake. I recommend you try a full breath from now! In the class it was very hard for me to breathe next to someone who was staring at me, it felt like an intimate situation that was forced upon me, breathing is something very private..

And anyways when you look at breathing it can be very disturbing at first, at first you can feel stifled, the initial feeling when you start to experience it, can be really annoying, causes discomfort throughout the body.

Try a few of these breathes in the morning and before going to bed, in the beginning of practice, not by force nor coercion! Only in awareness, if it annoys you, return to your normal breathing and come back to the training when you want to experience a full body, breath again, in the next post a more detailed explanation on the breath.

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