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What does it mean for me to be ‘City-Om’?

City-Om, for me, is mainly a lot of questions that I ask myself: How to keep the balance within a variety of social interactions that call for us endless personality test? How to find a moment to take a deep breath within the turmoil that is around whilst grueling working days and intense family life? How to keep calm and gentle amongst all the cynical and rugged people, when around there is gossip and slander, next to the energies of all the troubled souls, people that don’t care, under a rain of egos, tough people, flexing and manipulations, the witty, the pompous, the wrenched, the fake, the ones that take themselves too seriously, energy drainers, drama queens, in a continuous hum of white noise, social media and cell phones.

I don’t have answers, but I know that a personality test restarts for us every day, in any situation, all over again.

There is another option for us, in any given moment - we can choose to go and live on an isolated mountain, meditate all day or join a monastery and take a vow of celibacy, Some people live like that, with two goats on a lone ranch, but in my eyes, our spirituality is measured on our day to day life, within the lute of people and characters, among the smog and the noise. Because spirituality is not necessarily a group of people dressed in white saying a mantra, but me, standing in a difficult situation, telling myself, “Why do I need this awful energy? Feeling bad? Shouting? Speaking badly? Am I promoting anything with that? Is it worth it for me to stand on my hind legs for a small matter?” in these personal tests, sometimes my grade passes, sometimes adequate, and many, many times I fail. There are some days I am successful in keeping the peace and balance inside, sometimes with the head against the wall. I found out during the time, that when I practice a lot of Yoga it helps me keeping my balance better, it assists me with preventing an automatic response and calm my nerves.

Being Om in the city, is an invitation for an infinite journey, where the eyes always need to be open inside and out, clarifying and doubting.

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